Co-Creation: Creating Digital Campaigns Collaboratively

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What is exactly is co-creation?

It's a process we've honed, to develop digital campaigns by repurposing existing creative assets. These might be sourced from TV, print or previously conceived storyboards. Wherever your campaign and strategy have got to, we can help.

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What makes co-creation smart?

Brands often need the support of a specialist digital agency to turn concepts into reality. Because we're not starting from scratch, co-creation saves time and money. Collaborating with you and your media agency, we can create stunning, best-practice campaigns.

Creativity & innovation

Through design-led experience, and best-practice industry knowledge, we provide innovative insight and experience to ensure your campaign hits the target in an ever-evolving medium.

We take great pride in delivering technically bullet-proof, pixel-perfect executions, regardless of media, placement or format.

  1. Specialist campaign production team
  2. QA and creative consistency processes
  3. Working closely with your media agency
  4. Innovative lightweight animation
  5. Expertise in global digital media best-practice
  6. Reusable elements for campaign longevity

Collaboration & stability

True collaboration is truly comforting. Our project management team will work with you to ensure projects are delivered quickly and efficiently.

We quote, and provide statements of work and project plans up-front, so you know exactly what’s happening - and when.

Because we work with leading, niche and challenger brands, and their agencies, we know that one size does not fit all.

  1. Extension of your team
  2. Dedicated project manager
  3. Consistent and contactable team
  4. Brand guardianship
  5. Honed process
  6. 20+ years experience

Co-creation in 3 steps

Stage 1 - Briefing

  • We work with your team to understand the creative expectations and key message of the campaign.
  • To avoid delays, we agree on deliverables, stakeholders and the sign-off process.
  • We look out for potential opportunities and areas for improvement.
  • We work with your media agency to adapt the media plan as a production schedule.
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Co-creation in 3 steps

Stage 2 - Production

  • We work to an agreed project timeline informed by the media plan.
  • We use IAB-recommended specifications and best practices.
  • Our production process balances efficiency and consistency with clearly defined sign-off points.
  • Reusable components to accommodate media specifications and localisation.
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Co-creation in 3 steps

Stage 3 - Quality assurance and delivery

  • We work to an agreed project timeline informed by the media plan.
  • We use IAB-recommended specifications and best practices.
  • Our production process balances efficiency and consistency with clearly defined sign-off points.
  • Reusable components to accommodate media specifications and localisation.
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Let's talk

Call us on +44 (0)117 325 4403 to learn how we partner with clients to achieve great things.

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